Recent Events Spring 2022

Recent events have shed more light on the SYSOPT project. Project milestones are approaching, and researchers and partners are coming together to discuss the research trajectory of the project. Three events are highlighted in this post: The Technical Progress Meeting; SYSOPT presentation at USN; and SYSOPT presentation at Skagerak Kraft.
Technical Progress Meeting
October 2021 saw the SYSOPT kick-off in Statnetts offices. Now, seven months later, the researchers and partners have once again met for the first Technical Progress Meeting (TPM). Since then, the SYSOPT Team has been expanded to include three Ph.D. research fellows, as we mentioned in this news post. This meeting, consisting of 35 researchers and industry partners, had fruitful discussions about the expectations of SYSOPT and how to ensure cooperation to maximize industry relevance.
Because of long distances and different time zones between NREL from the US, and the researchers and partners in Norway, the meeting was a hybrid Teams and physical gathering. After the meeting, researchers and partners went out for a pleasant dinner in Porsgrunn to celebrate a constructive meeting and a solid project beginning.

SYSOPT presented at USN faculty seminal
The TNM faculty at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) had its annual gathering, and this time SYSOPT was presented.

Project leader Thomas Ø. presents SYSOPT at Skagerak Kraft
An overview of SYSOPT was presented at Skagerak Kraft, and the recording of this is found on Vimeo by clicking here.