Project Update: 2022 Publication Summary

The year of 2022 have been an eventful year for SysOpt. There have been in total five publications submitted and published through the work in the SysOpt project. More have been submitted but have note yet finished the peer-review. Some of the publications have been mentioned in previous posts, such as SysOpt’s first paper from 11. March 2022, and the presentation at IEEE PES General Meeting 2022. Three additional papers have been published.
03. August
Jørgen Hagset Stavnesli and Jonas Kristiansen Nøland published their paper titled “Stator Flux-Regulatory Excitation Control in Converter-Fed Synchronous Machines for Pumped-Storage Variable-Speed Hydropower“. The article was published in the journal “IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy”, which is open-access and can be found here:
17. October
Thomas Øyvang and Jonas Kristiansen Nøland published an article in the Power and Energy Magazine (PEM) with the title “Superflexible Hydropower for the Nordic Grid: Accelerating the Energy Transition“. PEM is a magazine published by IEEE and contains technical articles about all recent matters for electric power engineers and others involved in the electric power industry. The latest technological advancements and recent trends are highlighted while showing the synergy with areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns. The article related to SysOpt can be found here:

28. October
Emil Ghieh Melfald and Thomas Øyvang published a conference paper with the title “Optimal operation of grid-connected hydropower plants through voltage control methods” as part of Emil’s Ph.D. work. The article was published in the SIMS conference which were held at 20th and 21st of September 2022. The conference paper is open-access and can be found here: